The fourth installment of the Mortal Instruments Series is, as expected, an exciting and praise-worthy one, typical of a Cassandra Clare novel.
With Valentine dead and gone, the story turned into a new chapter. what's going to happen next. New conflict, new villain, new allies, and probably more to come!
Though, I STILL feel that City of Glass is better and more epic than this one, I'm glad it ended quite well.
After the last scene, I thought "Not Again!" The ill-fated lovers, Jace and Clary, suffering another we-cannot-be-together-even-though-we're-madly-in-love problem. Their love story is so depressing. Yeah. "To love is to destroy,"
I really hope that they'll prove everyone wrong. I admit I was a little bit disappointed in Jace's character development in this installment, because after everything else, he's become weak and vulnerable. But couldn't blame him either because as much as he feels that Clary's the best thing that's ever happened to him, he's also afraid of losing her.
I would probably mention how I liked that Simon has more appearance in this book than the previous ones. Reading his point of view is entertaining and interesting, sometimes I couldn't help but crack at his bland humor. It's hilarious to read about his own two-timing love story. Good to see some normalcy in him despite his being a vampire.
After reading 4 books of the series, I do and honestly feel like it could have ended as a trilogy with City of Glass, as this one's veering off to a totally different plot and conflict. But who wants that right? We want more of Shadowhunters! Can't wait for City of Lost Souls!
I give this 4/5 stars!
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